  1. 1. How do I buy from Baker's Cottage website for the first time?
    Just click “Order Online”, then login via your Facebook or Gmail account or click on “Sign up now” to register. Choose your products, add to cart, click on checkout, provide delivery address and make payment. When you login the next time, you won't need to fill in all your personal details and delivery address information as they will be automatically retrieved from your account.
  2. Can I buy from Baker's Cottage website without an account?
    Yes. Just login as guest. Then choose your products, add to cart, click on checkout, provide delivery address and make the payment. It's that simple!!
    However, it will be easier for you to shop with us if you have an account as all your personal details and delivery address information will be automatically retrieved from your account when you login.
  3. Is there a minimum or maximum purchase quantity?
    Minimum purchase quantity is 1 box of 4 mooncakes or 2 boxes of 2 mooncakes each. For orders above 12 boxes, please contact 03-7980 8086 to enjoy corporate discounts.
  4. What is the weight for one box of mooncake?
    The approximate weight of a 4-mooncake box is 1.5kg (including the packing material).
  5. Can Baker’s Cottage deliver Snow Skin Mooncakes through online purchase?
    No. Please visit our nearest Baker’s Cottage outlets to purchase.
  6. Will I receive a notification once I’ve made my order?
    After you have successfully placed your order, our system will immediately notify you by email.
  7. I just received an email saying that my item has been shipped. When will I receive my order?
    You should receive your order within the promised delivery timeframe of 3-7 business days.
    Note: Once your order is shipped, your tracking number will be available on the courier tracking site in the next 24 hours.
  8. Can I schedule the date of my delivery?
    We regret to inform you that we are unable to schedule deliveries. However, you may coordinate with our courier partner once the item is shipped.
  9. Do you deliver during weekends and holidays?
    Unfortunately, our courier partners are unable to deliver during weekends or public holidays. Please expect to receive your parcel on working days only.
  10. I need my order now. Can Baker’s Cottage speed up the delivery?
    Unfortunately, we are unable to speed up the delivery. Please refer to the promised delivery date provided when your order is confirmed.
  11. How can I know the exact date and time of the delivery?
    We are unable to provide you with the exact date and time of the delivery. Delivery times are influenced by product availability, your shipping destination and the courier partner's delivery schedule in your location.
  12. Can I cancel my order after the order is shipped?
    Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate your cancellation request once the item is shipped.
  13. What if I enter the wrong address or name in my order?
    If you notice your personal details are incorrect once you have placed your order, please contact our customer service line at 03-7980 2022 for further assistance.
  14. What if I am not at home when the package arrives?
    When ordering your product, you need to indicate the person to receive the package.
  15. Is there any domestic area that Baker’s Cottage cannot deliver to?
    Baker’s Cottage Malaysia can deliver to all serviceable areas.
    We work closely with our courier partners nationwide and also have our own delivery team to serve our customers
  16. Does Baker’s Cottage offer international shipment?
    Not at the moment but we hope to do so in future.
  17. Does Baker’s Cottage deliver to a P.O. Box?
    No. Our courier partner (Nationwide express) requires a physical address to make the delivery.
  18. Can Baker’s Cottage deliver to my office?
    Baker’s Cottage will deliver your order to the address you provide during checkout.
  19. Why is my payment rejected?
    Credit Card
    Firstly, check with your bank to ensure there are funds available to pay for your order.
    Secondly, if you are using a MasterCard or Visa credit or debit card to pay your order, please note we only accept payment in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR) via MasterCard, Visa credit or debit Cards issued by local Malaysian banks only.
    Online Banking
    Ensure that you have registered an online banking account with your local bank.
    Ensure you have disabled your browser pop-up blocker in order to complete the payment window.
  20. Can Baker’s Cottage ship to a P.O. Box?
    Unfortunately, our courier is not able to deliver to: P.O. Boxes address.
  21. What is the delivery charges?
    Within West Malaysia
    Quantity Box
    Box of 4
    Quantity Box
    Box of 2
    1 2 RM 10.00
    2 3-4 RM 10.00
    3 5-6 RM 16.00
    4 7-8 RM 20.00
    5 9-10 RM 24.00
    6 11-12 RM 28.00
    7 13-14 RM 32.00
    8 15-16 RM 36.00
    9 17-18 RM 40.00
    10 19-20 RM 44.00
    11 21-22 RM 48.00
    12 23-24 RM 52.00
    Within East Malaysia
    Quantity Box
    Box of 4
    Quantity Box
    Box of 2
    1 2 RM 35.00
    2 3-4 RM 50.00
    3 5-6 RM 75.00
    4 7-8 RM 90.00